Sunday, April 13, 2008

6th Posting!!!!

1. Do you think that blogging activity improves your writing skill?
If yes what area if not why

Yes. I think that blogging activities do help me improve my writing skills indeed. This is because it has helped me to write more fluently and also organize my writing and thoughts more efficiently. It also helped me improve my vocabulary as there are many new words that we can learn while blogging. Besides, I also managed to reduce my spelling and grammatical errors throughout the whole period of blogging. Thus, blogging did help me improve my writing skills.

2. Do you think that blog is a useful learning experience for you?
If yes to what extend is it useful, enjoyable, practical and effective.
If not why

I do think that blogging is a useful learning experience. Its useful in the sense that it helps me to express my thoughts, become a creative writer, and more internet savvy. It is also enjoyable as I was able to read other people’s blog and vice versa. Besides I could put up all sorts of applications on my blog which even made the blogging experience more delightful. Moreover, blogging is also practical as it is more interesting compared to printing out assignments, more faster and efficient. In other words it makes the whole learning process smoother. Furthermore, I also think that blogging is more effective when it comes to learning. This is because, using the computer and internet as a medium in the learning process is way more interesting compared to a normal classroom.

3. What do you think that you need to know before you can complete the blogging activity successfully.

I don’t think that there is more for me to know in order to complete the blogging activity as to me it is already a success.

4. What are your problems that you face using blog

So far I have not had any problems using blog as I have already experienced using a blog. But sometimes the Internet connection plays an important role in blogging, because if you don’t have a good connection it will be difficult for you to create new post or to upload anything on to your blog.

5. Will you tell your friends, recommend to others about blogging?

Yes I would certainly do that. This is because I had a nice and meaningful time blogging and everything nice is meant to be shared right???? So it will be even more interesting if I could get all my friends to blog. This way it will be easier to keep in touch as well.

6. Now that you are able to blog online will you continue using it even after the SKBP is over?

I don’t see a reason on why I should not continue blogging even after the SKBP is over. Blogging has thought me many new things and it also happens to be something of my interest. Besides its a good and beneficial way to use up spare time and it also helps us learn more about lots of things.

Therefore to all my friends out there and not forgetting my dear lecturer Datin Dr. Norizan, thanks a million for reading and giving useful comments on how to improve my blog and hopefully there will be more to come in the near future. Once again thank you and good luck to all in your exams and also in everything you do. Good day, take care!


norizan said...

keep it up.. and continue BLOGGING..all blogs are marked