Sunday, March 30, 2008

5th Posting!!!

Electronic Malaysian English Competency Test - Reading Test (Set 1)

Score: 26 out of 35 - 74%
Time Taken: 37m 57s


Online Quiz Results :: Kemahiran Asas ICT
Your Score : 33/39
Online Quiz Results Summary
Your #Attempts : 1
Total Class #Attempts : 571
Your Quiz Score : 33/39

Your Average Score/#Attempts: 33
Class Average:
Your Highest Score Ever : 33
Overall Highest Score:

Note: This may not be your final marks. Due to some of the subjective and semi-objective questions (short essay and fill in the blank)


My Opinion on Online Tests

Hello everyone, we meet yet again. Anyway getting straight to the point, today in class we were required to take two online test. The first one was to test our language proficiency which consist of four passages and a number of multiple choice questions following after. Whereas the second one was more focused on testing our knowledge based on the computer and it was also multiple choice questions.

This is the first time that I’m actually taking an online test where later on we will be graded. As a vivid computer and internet user, I have always been taking polls or online quizzes on social issues, happenings and many more. But I must state that it is almost the same to online test except that in an online test you will be graded but in online polls and quizzes your jus given feedback. Though being something not completely new, I must say that it was interesting to take the online test and it was also a challenge.

But what surprised me the most was the ability of the online test to actually provide results such as details on the number of users attempts, total test takers attempts, user average score, class average score, users highest score ever and overall score. These results were immediate and accurate. On top of that, the security features of both these tests were good I must say, as we had to have our own passwords and pin numbers to access it. Take for example of the second test which is linked to the UKM website, we had to key in our pin number to access the test and later when we have done it, we had to key in our pin number again to access the results. This is extremely good if you ask me, as people will not be able to view our results.

Though online tests are accurate, fast and reliable, there is one factor that displeases me. Its the fact that we are timed and sometimes the time provided is not sufficient enough. When this scenario happens, usually the web site will just delete all the work you have done and you need to take the test all over again. Now imagine if it was a person who is not really computer savvy, would he or she have to retake the test umpteen times??? Here is where we can say that a manual test is better. We all know that if the same thing were to happen in a manual test, the examiner will still give you a couple more minutes to complete your test.

Hence, I think that online tests are generally good and like everything new, there is still room for improvement. Till we meet again, take care and good day to all.